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New 'Mock Wedding Xtreme' Announced for WEVA EXPO 2007
May 14, 2007

Sarasota, FL - "For videotaping wedding ceremonies and receptions, we get asked: 'How can you see and learn a mixture of the newest, most creative, most successful set-ups for cameras, mikes and lighting done by top wedding videographers in the US and worldwide -- and see it happen all at once in one ‘live’ demonstration?

"It's finally going to happen for the first time, and all in one extended session, at the WEVA EXPO 2007 Mock Wedding XtremeTM in Las Vegas," said WEVA International’s Director of Educational Development John Zale, just back from the WEVA/PMA global breakthrough in wedding video education at PMA-Australia 2007.

Mock Wedding XtremeTM Zale relates, will utilize actual wedding altar, sanctuary, and reception staging, plus live bridal models and stop-action events to reveal multiple ceremony and reception set-ups and camera techniques as they are being performed by a multiple number of top videographers nationally and internationally.

Developed by WEVA, this dynamic and interactive, "industry-first" presentation, scheduled for Tuesday, August 14 at Wedding & Event Video Expo 2007, will reveal set-up techniques and creative camera styles using:

*Hidden Cameras

*Wireless Cameras

*Remote-Controlled Cameras

*Moving Cameras (Glidecam/Steadicam)

*Hand-Held, Tripod & Monopod-mounted Cameras

*Camera Crane & Jib Techniques

*Aerial Cameras

*Ceremony & Reception Audio Techniques

*Microphone Differences and Distinctions

*Mic Placement & Techniques for Officiants, Bridal Party, Readers, Toasts, Music & More

*Discreet Ceremony & Reception Lighting Set-Ups

*On-Camera Lights & Lighting Techniques

*Creative On-Location Solutions Using Accessories

"There have been mock wedding presentations in the past, including our own live-switch ceremony at EXPO ‘94, but nothing on a scale this huge, where you can watch top videographers explaining their own unique set-ups and shooting techniques as they are actually performing them, has ever been attempted in the history of our industry. At WEVA EXPO 2007, Mock Wedding XtremeTM will instantly compare and contrast a wide variety of successful techniques and creative styles in camerawork, audio, and lighting in an exciting and dramatic way that videographers have never seen before," Zale said. "For anyone shooting wedding ceremonies and receptions, it’s going to answer a multitude of questions and trigger an explosion of inspiring possibilities for advancing your artistry, and your bottom-line success. 'Creating Movies That Mean Business' for your business is what Wedding & Event Video Expo 2007 is all about!"

With the EXPO now in its 17th year and upwards of 3,000 expected at this year’s convention and trade show at Bally’s/Paris Las Vegas August 13-16, 2007 there will be a host of choices for videographers who want to network, learn new skills, discover breathtaking creativity, go hands-on with new gear and take advantage of tempting deals and discounts on new tools and technologies at the huge 2-day EXPO Trade Show, the industry's biggest.

Mock Wedding XtremeTM Zale said, will be "part of Wedding & Event Video Expo's more than 70 cutting-edge technical and creativity Seminars, 'Camera Clinics,' New Equipment Demonstrations, product-specific Editing Workshops (Avid, Apple, Adobe, Canopus, Vegas, etc.), BATTLE OF THE VIDEOGRAPHERS!, new Web video techniques (FLASH), plus Wedding Video Marketing Strategies, and Video Business Sales Boosters that will be presented by leading videographers across the US and worldwide, and by other top industry experts."

WEVA's development of Mock Wedding XtremeTM and other original programs and demonstrations at EXPO, including The Wedding Video Studio That Sells!TM slated to debut this year, and the inspiring BATTLE OF THE VIDEOGRAPHERS! series, is right in-sync with the association's longtime role as the industry's leading provider of exciting education that's on the cutting-edge for wedding and event videographers in the U.S. and around the globe.

Unveiling The 'Studio That Sells!'

As reported in Wedding & Event Videography Resource Guide, The Wedding Video Studio That Sells!TM another exciting "industry first" from WEVA, will be an EXPO 2007 Trade Show pavilion exhibit that will model the office/home-office of a contemporary wedding and event videography business outfitted with new and affordable video gear installed for creativity in a speedy workflow environment, and crafted with a retail-inspired design for boosting video sales (see how to "retailize" your space to make more sales without having to be in a retail location).

Open to both WEVA members and non-members (members receive discount admission), Wedding & Event Video Expo 2007 starts Monday evening, August 13, 2007 with a special (and complimentary) grand-opening dinner reception in the glittering ballroom of Paris Las Vegas. Optional, Pre-Convention Workshops featuring hands-on edit system training, and more, will be presented Monday afternoon and conclude before the Opening Night Gala begins. WEVA EXPO 2007 willclose by 5:00pm Thursday, August 16, 2007.

The winning videos from the WEVA 17th Annual Creative Excellence Awards Competition (enter now) will be announced and screened on opening night. Last year's schedule, list of winners, and EXPO video can be viewed at www.wevaexpo.com. The awesome roof-top pool of Paris Las Vegas, next to the glowing Eiffel Tower replica, overlooking the dazzling lights of The Las Vegas Strip, will be the spectacular setting for WEVA's industry-wide networking event on Tuesday evening August 14. WEVA EXPO 2007's state-of-the-art conference programs, and the new technology exhibits slated for the two-day WEVA EXPO Trade Show (August 14-15), will all be headquartered at Bally’s Las Vegas, which directly adjoins Paris.

Discount Room Reservations

"This year’s EXPO has been made affordable for all videographers to attend," said Zale. Guest room rates are only $104 per night at Bally’s, and just $139 per night at Paris. Hotel operators are accepting room reservations at 877-603-4390. Be sure to mention WEVA EXPO, and reserve guest rooms now to avoid encountering higher rates and sold-out nights later.

"The EXPO has a major impact on videographers, and our industry at large, every year. Wedding & Event Video Expo 2007 will be a groundbreaking convention and trade show for videographers worldwide!" Watch for more EXPO 2007 announcements, and complete program and registration information on WEVA.com.

About Wedding & Event Videographers Association International (WEVA)

WEVA International is the largest professional videographers association and our industry's leading provider of education that's on the cutting-edge. WEVA is dedicated to advancing the professional interests of videographers worldwide through continuing education, technical support, group benefits, advocacy committees, professional development conferences, new media, including Wedding & Event Videography Resource Guide.

Join WEVA now to access valuable WEVA membership benefits that can help you succeed in your business, including weekday job opportunities through ImageSpan's CurbStream, plus low-cost Visa/MasterCard Merchant Status, Equipment Insurance, E&O Insurance, the new Equipment Financing Program, WEVA NEWS MINUTE videos, WEVA On-The-Air podcasts, and more. Membership also provides opportunities for professional videographer (MPV) accreditation, and system-training at WEVA EXPO 2007 our industry’s largest annual convention and trade show upcoming in August 2007. For more information contact the association at 941-923-5334 or email: info@weva.com

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