PLUS Coalition & ImageSpan Streamline Image Licensing Process
January 08, 2007
Los Angeles & Sausalito, CA - The demand for licensable digital content is at an all-time high, yet image licensing remains a complex and often confusing process. The PLUS Coalition (Picture Licensing Universal System), the global standards body for image licensing, has announced that ImageSpan Inc., will be the exclusive technology provider for the PLUS License Registry.
Now under development by PLUS and ImageSpan, the new PLUS License Registry will provide a framework through which licensors and licensees can more effectively track the rights associated with image licenses. ImageSpan has also worked closely with PLUS to develop tools facilitating the use of the PLUS standards, including the PLUS Media Selector/Decoder, PLUS License Generator and the PLUS XMP Embedder/Reader.
PLUS, a non-profit, cooperative multi-industry initiative, incorporates a four-part system (PLUS Glossary, PLUS Media Matrix, PLUS License Format, and the PLUS-ID System) that simplifies and facilitates the image licensing process. Licensors and licensees will use the PLUS standard when granting, acquiring, tracking and managing image licenses. By using standardized licensing language and a machine-readable coding architecture, the coalition says image licensing will become more transparent and much simpler for everyone involved in the licensing process.
ImageSpan Inc. offers a Licensing Automation Platform that extends far beyond the scope of the services they provide to the PLUS Coalition and the PLUS License Registry. The key components of the ImageSpan Platform include: content management, content aggregation, intellectual property rights management, and license history tracking.
ImageSpan independently offers an e-commerce enabled license and transaction engine, transaction settlement and royalty processing and payment modules, allowing users to price, transact, settle and pay royalties. What has previously been a myriad of different licensing models and approaches varying by organization can now be simplified through ImageSpan’s Licensing Automation Platform.
“When paired with the international image licensing standards developed by the PLUS Coalition, ImageSpan’s comprehensive licensing and settlement services make for a natural partnership. ImageSpan offers a platform that will protect content owners, quickly enable transactions and maximize the value of their content,” said ImageSpan president and CEO Iain Scholnick.
“We are proud to have played a key role in the development of the PLUS standards, and now to power the PLUS License Registry. The PLUS team has done a fantastic job of bringing together the major trade organizations as well as the leading brands such as Microsoft, Adobe, Getty Images, Corbis and Jupiterimages, creating a comprehensive organization dedicated exclusively to improving the image licensing process. ImageSpan will be among the first to integrate the standards in our applications," Scholnick said.
“ImageSpan’s support and participation in the PLUS Coalition has been critical to our success in creating the world’s first image licensing standards. As the leading licensing automation platform, ImageSpan is the ideal technology provider for the PLUS Registry,” said Jeff Sedlik, president and co-founder of the PLUS Coalition.
About PLUS
The PLUS Coalition (Picture Licensing Universal System) is an international trade association with a mission to simplify and facilitate the licensing of images through the development of a system of image licensing standards and tools. PLUS is a 501(c) 6 non-profit organization, with significant support received from PLUS Leadership Circle Members, which include Adobe, Microsoft, Pentagram, Jupterimages, Adbase, Belay Development, Digimarc, Digital Railroad, ImageSpan, IPN, IPTC, Photo District News, PhotoServe, StockPhotoFinder, and Wong Doody. To learn more about PLUS, visit
About ImageSpan, Inc.
ImageSpan, Inc., independently offers a comprehensive suite of applications and tools for use with all types of media, connecting buyers and sellers to find, buy and legally settle royalty payments in minutes, rather than months. ImageSpan is a trusted solution provider and the exclusive license automation provider to the PLUS Coalition, the global standards organization for the image licensing industries. For more information, visit ImageSpan, Inc.