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Sacramento Videographers Association & WEVA Set New World Record in Wedding Video Coverage
February 18, 2006

Sacramento, CA - Over 65 videographers, who traveled from across the country and as far as Australia, used 105 video cameras to set a new world record in live wedding ceremony coverage at the World Record Wedding Video Event (WRWVE) last Wednesday in Sacramento, CA (see video, photo, and podcast links below).

Continuous bursts of collaborative creativity among videographers produced innovations like the clever Wagon Cam, the Bouquet Cam, cool and discreet robotic Altar Cam setups, HD comparisons from four new HD camcorders, a live “4-mike shootout” straight from the robe of the officiant, and other on-site innovations.

The Sacramento Professional Videographers Association (SPVA) and the Wedding & Event Videographers Association International (WEVA) teamed up to provide an extraordinary, never-been-done-before experience in hands-on video education that allowed each videographer to take their place in digital video history at the wedding of Alysia and Farai Melton on a crystal clear day in California’s capitol city.

The professional development value of the event, including the “recap” programming the following day at the WEVA Institute workshops, was unmatched in the history of professional videography, and set a new hallmark in pro video education for the future.

“Thanks to the creative vision, brilliant planning and outstanding organization skills of SPVA President Mike Jensen and the awesome videographers in the SPVA who worked closely in tandem with so many talented and creative industry colleagues and suppliers, the entire event was a huge success from start to finish,” said WEVA International Chairman Roy Chapman. "Congratulations to the SPVA for turning their dream into reality and enabling videographers to increase their skills throughout the process. Our association is proud to have co-sponsored this remarkable achievement in digital video history."

Chapman added that several video industry suppliers contributed to the success of the event by providing exceptional support. "Our organizations," he said, "very much appreciated the support this historic event received from several key suppliers, which helped make it all possible. A very special thanks goes out to: Glidecam, Grizzly Pro, The Tape Company, nNovia, Schneider Optics Century Division, Edirol, Snader & Associates, Pacific Clearstream Media Group, and DVFilm. Their terrific support also provided an opportunity to observe their unique equipment and services 'in action' and allowed our event attendees to get valuable hands-on experience."

The record-setting event made the evening news on Sacramento's CBS affiliate Channel 13, and the final production cut has already been requested for Webcasting by The WeddingChannel, which receives 2.5 million unique visitors monthly. More PR opportunities are anticipated in print and online media.

Video from the event, including highlights from the WEVA Institute workshops the following day will be available shortly on the WEVA-TV (members-only) section of the WEVA website.

A live Webcast of the wedding ceremony was produced by Bob Clark and Alan Fitch of Pacific Clearstream Media Group in an observable set-up that demonstrated technology used in Internet media.

On-site interviews with participating videographers were conducted throughout the day by Kathy and Al Ritondo of Wedvidtalk.com for podcasts, which also included their live, on-location commentary as the events of the day unfolded (see the link below).

Videotaping the videographers at work for a special WRWVE "behind-the-scenes" DVD documentary were Brett Culp and John Goolsby. WEVA News Minute producers Bruce and Sue Himmelblau recorded "everything video" for special segments that will be continuously released, starting with the one linked below.

“It was exciting," said Chapman, "to see wedding day camerawork as it was happening live from behind-the-scenes right from the start of David Robin’s pre-ceremony prep shots and the Glidecam coverage by Dave Williams of the bridal party, the 23-cam ‘Matrix-style’ movie shot of the dove release on the steps of the Capitol directed by Eric Leas -- straight on through to the 105-cam ceremony coverage, and the climactic and emotional premier screening during the reception."

Describing the premier Chapman said, "All of the videographers who had just set a new world record were seated in a meeting room adjacent to the reception. Two screens were set side-by-side. Mike Jensen and the SPVA had thought of everything, including a remote 'Reaction Cam.' While we all watched the premier of the absolutely amazing Same Day Edit produced by Mark and Trisha Von Lanken, we could also see, on the other screen, the tears of joy streaming on the faces of Alysia and Farai as all of us watched them watching their video for the very first time. It was a truly emotional and unforgettable experience, and it touched the hearts of everyone there."

To watch the Von Lanken's Same Day Edit of the SPVA/WEVA World Record Wedding Video Event Click Here!

WEVA NEWS MINUTE producers Bruce and Sue Himmelblau taped the world premiere of the Same Day Edit and captured reactions from Trisha and Mark Von Lanken, and the bride and groom. Watch Now! (Allow for QuickTime download.)

The newlyweds, Alysia and Farai Melton, shared their feelings about the value of their wedding video experience on-site with the Von Lanken's Watch Now!

To listen to Podcasts of on-location action interviews with participating videographers by Kathy and Al Ritondo of Wedvidtalk.com visit the WRWVE section of the WEVA website at www.weva.com/wrwve

See an online Photo Album of personal images from the still camera of videographer Kris Malandruccolo. Click Here! Her shots begin with the bridal prep coverage at the Julia Morgan historic homesite where a dual screen set-up allowed videographers to watch David Robin at work (courtesy of a robotic cam controlled by a Grizzly Pro Video controller) and view a live feed from his Z1 camcorder at the same time.

Next you'll see images of Dave Williams shooting Glidecam coverage of the bridal party live as videographers prepare for the 23-cam Matrix-style shot of the dove release on the steps of the Capitol. Then everyone quickly catches the video shuttle over to Sacramento's beautiful Library Galleria with its stunning multi-tiered balconies to prepare for the 105-cam history-making ceremony shoot.

More details from the SPVA/WEVA record-setting industry-wide event, including additional video segments and still images, will be posted shortly!

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