Creating Your Own Love Story
One increasingly popular supplement to wedding day coverage is a custom-produced "Love Story Video." Also called a "Reflections Video" or a "Concept Video," this tells the story of how you both met and fell in love. You have the opportunity to let everyone -including future generations- know how your relationship evolved right up to this special day.
A Love Story Video can be as creative and special as you like, reflecting your own unique personality as a couple. Some Love Stories, for example, are produced as a music video, shot on-location with you and your fiancee at your favorite settings. Others may take the form of an indoor, or outdoor, interview session that also features important family photographs, even video clips. Still others combine the two styles.
In general, a "Love Story" is a short, fun-to-watch video. This makes it a natural addition to your reception entertainment. Imagine seeing your own Love Story unfold on the big screen at your reception, sharing it with all of your guests. Many WEVA members specialize in producing exceptional Love Stories and can arrange for yours to be shown at your reception. Additional videos can be made to send to loved ones who are unable to attend your wedding. You have a wonderful and unique story to tell. The latest advances in digital video technology now allow you to preserve and share your special story�-and there's no limit to the creativity!