WEVA Wrapping Up Most Successful Tour; Next Event at NAB April 25 at Luxor
April 08, 2006
Sarasota, FL - The WEVA Town Meeting Tour stop at NAB Tuesday April 25th, which will feature leading business consultant Robert Gordman, author of "The Must-Have Customer - 7 Steps to Winning the Customer You Haven't Got" will be the final event on this year’s 8th Annual WEVA Town Meeting Tour, sponsored by Adobe Systems and Powered by Sony.
The WEVA Town Meeting event at NAB on Tuesday evening April 25 at Luxor is free to videographers and their guests (WEVA members and non-members) who register online in advance at www.wevatownmeeting.com. Seating for this special one-night only event is limited and also includes complimentary dinner.
Videographers Excited by Industry Trends & New WEVA Initiatives
Back from the Town Meeting Tour’s west coast stops in Calfornia last week, WEVA’s Director of Association Communications Dan Argenas was excited by the response from videographers to the cutting-edge video trends, concepts, and technology introduced nationwide on this year’s tour. To see the Photo Galleries (and prize winners) from the 2006 Tour events in San Jose, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, and Philadelphia Click Here!
Argenas said new changes made to this year's events suggested by WEVA members have contributed to the high quality of the 2006 Tour. “Overall,” he related, “the 2006 WEVA Town Meeting Tour has been the association’s most successful Tour to date.
Bob Perl president of the Atlanta Videographers Association said, "The WEVA Town Meeting program was outstanding. The presentations we saw here in Atlanta, including the one on high-definition weddings, were awesome!"
Argenas noted, "From Philly to San Jose (pictured above) videographers have filled the WEVA Institute workshops. They have enjoyed interacting with Adobe and Sony products, the networking, demonstrations, and seeing the incredible new SD and HD video creativity that's been screened. The cutting-edge information on wedding and event videography being presented at each of the evening Town Meetings is inspiring videographers to reach up for the new industry developments on the horizon."
He added, "The news of WEVA’s groundbreaking strategic initiatives has been applauded at every city-stop. Videographers are excited by the new job opportunities they are learning about at each WEVA event. Brand new WEVA inititatives will be unveiled by WEVA Chairman Roy Chapman at the Town Meeting at NAB.”
WEVA News Minute and New 'Nat Chat' Online Videos
In addition to the WEVA NEWS MINUTE videos being produced by videographers Bruce Himmelblau and Sue Lawson, a brand new WEVA-TV video feature called "Nat Chat" hosted by Philadelphia videographer and WEVA Public Relations Committee member Natalie Neal, was developed by WEVA to begin with the start of the Tour.
“Anyone who’s heard Natalie speak at WEVA EXPO or on the WEVA Town Meeting Tour knows how much fun she injects into every presentation. Her lively ‘Nat Chat’ series for WEVA-TV has been putting our members in the spotlight all around the country on this year's Tour,” said Chapman. "It’s a new twist on idea-sharing and industry networking.”
Following the WEVA Town Meeting event at NAB will be the WEVA 16th Annual Wedding & Event Video Expo August 21-24, 2006, the industry’s biggest convention and trade show.
This summer, it’s at the beaches of sparkling Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas. “If you want to be assured of getting discounted guest rooms at Mandalay Bay for WEVA EXPO 2006 don’t wait,” Argenas advised. “The discounted rooms at Mandalay Bay for EXPO have already started filling up. It’s an awesome location! There are also special guest room rates for EXPO attendees at Luxor.”
For additional information on WEVA EXPO 2006 Click Here. Watch the association website for more details on all of the outstanding new WEVA International events coming up!
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Wedding & Event Videographers Association International (WEVA) is the world's largest trade association for professional wedding and event videographers. WEVA International is dedicated to advancing the professional interests of videographers worldwide through continuing education, technical support, group benefits, advocacy committees and professional development training.
For more information regarding professional videography, WEVA activities and membership, including Wedding & Event Video Expo 2006 at Mandalay Bay, please contact the association office at 941-923-5334 or email: info@weva.com